Wood rim CCM
I picked up a bike a few days ago, I was hoping it would be very very old judging by the pictures of the wooden wheels in the ad, but based on the serial number on the bike, 4S3265, I'm going to say it's a '47. Can anyone maybe tell me a bit about it? Model, type, whether the wood rims could be OEM or whether someone rebuilt the wheels with them? I was reasonably certain they stopped making wood wheels around the turn of the century, so it feels like something is off by a quarter turn. It's a very cool bike, and I'm happy just having it in my shop, but it would be great to know more about it, and something about its rarity and value if anybody knows anything about those things.
- Mike in Edmonton
I am pretty sure wood they stopped making wood rims about 1926 or so. Unless they where racing bikes . I have quit a few wood rim bikes and in all my looking for wood rims I would say the last date i have found on rims is 1926. You are correct in thinking someone build up wheels and put them on that bike which is much newer.Alway looking for good wood rims if your interested in parting .bikehike@rogers.com
Re. Wood Rims.
Just skimed through some Catalogues.
I930 -31 CCM wood rims plain(I believe that means just vannish, no stripe) -------------$6.00
Crescent rims plain ----------------------------------------------------------------------------$6.00
CCM Flyer Wood Rim C - 2 --------------------------------------------------------------$7.20
1932 Sulky Rims --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$6.40
CCM Flyer Wood Rims ----------------------------------------------------------------------------$7.40
1935 - 36 Sulky rims (only) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------$7.50
!937-38-39-40-41 Custom Built Wood Rims 27" - section - C-2 Track Racer -----------$8.00
1945 Custom Built Wood Rims (0nly & no prices)
1948 No Wood Rims.
Do not have !942 - 43 - 46 - 47 catalogues. Wood Rims always had Not Guaranteed writen after them.
Of course every year before 1930 had wood rims plain or striped with about 10 selections of striping.
Hope that is clear and helpful. Ron