Berlin Bicycles
Rych Mills of the Waterloo Historical Society recently brought it to my attention that by the mid-1800s bicycles were being built in Berlin Ontario (later renamed Kitchener) by Arthur Pequegnat (the clock-maker) who had set up a bicycle repair and livery behind his jewellery shop. In 1897 he began to manufacture Berlin and Racycle bicycles. While the Berlin was Pequegnat's own design, the Racycle was that of the Miami Cycle & Manufacturing Co. of Middleton, Ohio. Pequenat eventually built a three-storey factory where he operated the Berlin & Racycle Manufacturing Co. Ltd. until about 1923, although he stopped making the Berlin in 1917.
John, I happen to own one of the Canadian assembled ones, this was made in the 1901 to 1908 period; She aint purty.
Its a much modified "survivor" that one day I would like to restore after I get all the correct parts..that list being lengthy; I need the complete crank assembly and pedals, and correct wheelsets...if anybody can assist I am open to trades or purchase.
Assembled in Berlin, the crank design indicates it was made between 1901 to 1908. Note that the HEADBADGE is completely DIFFERENT from the Ohio built bicycle.
The modifications include a much beat and bent frame, steel cart wagon wheels, a radically re-built crankset , mis-matched, re-worked pedals, it is rideable, not a distance "wheel"
A friend, in his 80s, passed it along to me stating the the mods would have been done by his uncles in the 30s. I have not been able to get the crank completely apart, there is resistance on the main bolt (seeping weld?), I do not wish to force it until I get a complete crankset before I begin restorative work. Perhaps it shouldn't be restored , as it is it truly reflects the life of the bike and is a testimony to well intentioned "artisans" who kept it operating over the years
That truly is a survivor. The extent of your collection never ceases to amaze me. Thanks for sharing the pics. The old "restore or not restore" question is always a difficult one. Given the rarity of this particular bike, I think I'd lean to the restore option although parts will be a tough find. All the best with whatever you decide.
Does anyone out there have a Berlin bicycle. Not the Berlin Racycle. i have a head badge that just says Berlin Arthur Pequegnat Berlin Ont. Badge is in Beautiful original shape would like to wrap a bike around it.
Latest find. Berlin Bicycle
Just picked this bike up, Berlin Racycle Berlin Ontario Bike is in nice shape with every little original paint left but you can ride it.other than the paint it is is great shape . Fauber crank and very neat CCM Stem.
Nice find Dave! Congratulations. I hope we can see it in Brantford on the 26th.