CCM Bikes And Parts On Ebay
Is it just me or are sellers on ebay selling CCM stuff way off on their pricing. You would think the stuff is plated with gold or something. I can't even make a decent offer on the stuff because the price difference is so far off reality. I'm not going to pinpoint any particular items in case the sellers are on here but what are your thoughts?
To be honest Rob all Ebay is doing is causing prices to over inflate.
your both right but ive met 3 american guys that have vintage flyers and flytes with no wheels the last 3 months .from a ccm wanted ad i have on kijij .i pay top dollar to the boys next door for my vintage parts .thanks for listening ....AL
I agree to some degree, but not so much for the sellers being off (and sometimes I agree they are). The buyers are ultimately going to inflate the prices. The stuff is only going to sell for what someone thinks it's worth. You can ask whatever you want for anything, wether it sells or not is a different story. I've been watching stuff for a while now (not just CCM stuff) and some of it sits around forever, some goes for outrageous prices, and every now and again you find a good deal. I guess it all depends on timing, who's watching, and how bad you want it.
Ya , I was more less meaning the Buy It Now prices. And your right, it is right across the board on a lot of stuff but I was just highlighting CCMs because I check them pretty much every day. I am also blown away at what buyers are bidding stuff up to. I know the saying goes that it's only worth what someone pays but its getting pretty ridiculous on some stuff. Thats all. Rant done :)
well, i don't mind all the asking prices, i have bought stuff that most people wounld't buy because they taught it was too expensive..... and i was happy with it
afterall everyone is allowed to ask what they want, and most of the GOOD stuff will sell anyways
CCM stuff from the 10's to the 30's are getting pretty rare and if someone wants my stuff, they will have to pay for it (at least ây what i paid for it), since i don't mind keeping it until it's even more rare
i am more annoyed about people wanting the good parts and they are not willing to pay for it
I hear ya Loco. I dont mind paying the price for something rare and hard to find either but the run of the mill stuff with high BIN's is what erks me. Seems a lot of sellers think that just because the part is old, it must be worth a mint.
Il n'en demeure pas moins que c'est un vélo ou des pieces que tu vends Locomotion et pas une voiture antique......que je paierais volontier le prix demandé si raisonable ! ou encore,si une piece, quelle quel soit vaut tant, bi je ne paierais tres certainement pas au dela de ce que ca vaut mon ami. Dis-toi bien que je me suis fourré une fois dans le prix pour ton vélo parce que j'ai pas cherché bien loin mais une chose est sure je suis mecanicien de vélo mais comme tu m'as plus ou moins traité comme si je ne savais rien bin il est sure que je n'acheterais absolument rien de toi !et encore moins montré des photos de ce que j'ai car ici je ne fais que discuter et regarder ce qui se dit dans le domaine du vélo.....ah oui, je ne paierais pas non plus le prix que tu demanderas pour ton vélo car je prefere encore payer un certain montant pour un vélo neuf ou une voiture qui en vaut plus encore. vois-tu l'idée ?....
autre chose : j'ai des velos tres anciens qui dorment mais en fonction et en valent leur pesant d'or et je les ai payé quand meme a un prix que j'ai pas vraiment marchandé et etaient vraiment raisonnable car faire de l'argent sur le dos du monde ou encore quand un vendeur y met trop l'paquet bin il le garde longtemps ou bien il trouve un autre poisson mon ami. allé!1... bonne journée.
hey Denis
why don't you respect all the other board members and post in english if you have anything to say
and if you have a something against me personnal, write me a nice letter and post it here to my personnal address
North Pole, Canada
H0H 0H0
Je n'ai absolument rien contre toi bien au contraire je n'ai seulement dit que je ne paierais pas le prix pour ton vélo . me semble que c'est français ça non ?.. lol et de plus, je parle ma langue qui est le français comme la tienne d'ailleurs et je parlerai ou répondrai dans la langue anglaise que SI une personne ici ne parle pas le français car il me semble que l'on vit dans un pays libre à ce que je sache Locomotion tu parles francais alors je te parlerai en français mon cher compatriote Québécois..tant qu'aux autres membres a date il n'y a eu aucun problemes pour l'instant sinon on me l'aurait deja dit depuis longtemps et ce n'est pas un manque de respect de ma part de PARLER FRANCAIS surtout quand je sais que TOI tu parles français non mais ! comme tu as l'humour facile , bin je crois pas au pere-noel mon ami.....
Ahh !.. en plus dans mes deux commentaires ci-haut, il n'y a rien qui dit que je suis fâché l'ami... hmmmm si tu crois au père-noël, faudrait vieillir mon ami lolllllllllllll moi j'y crois vraiment pas hahahahahaha hihihihi !!!
for an antique car ok I will pay for sure but not for a bike which parts are rare or very rare sorry lollllllllllllll
I believe the title was referring to CCM bikes, not cars. No French please. Its very time consuming using the online translators to find out what you said :)
We are in a free country hotrob sorry . when someone speak french I will talk in french and this buddy live near me !! and my native language is french my french and
i compared between a bicycle and an antique car that's all !!!... all right if you use a translator!!! me too sometime to understanding what you say !! so we are equal ! working is good too for the head I've learn a little bit english, so you'll learn too. thanks
yes i am french Denis, but i am asking you to speak english to respect our fellow forum members
it is a free country, but this is an english forum so i choose to write in english out of respect
and why are you talking about cars anyways???
Don't be innocent locomotion !... you know what I mean when I said I will pay the price for an antique car but not for a bike. I know its an english forum but somethings must be in french between you and me and no one need to know what i say to you that's ally my friend, this is the last message for you. However, i'm a member here at teh same title than the other regardless of the language ...
finally the last message, tks
Ne me remercie pas il se peut que je reponde dans les messages....