Delivery Bike Wheels
My 1935 delivery has a Falcon front hub and a Perry rear with 14 gauge spokes. The rims have been repainted but i can see black paint w gold pin striping underneath.
According to the 35 catalogue whic was recently uploaded (thanks very much) it should have a Hercules rear hub so the perry is obviously incorrect. Does anyone know if the falcon front is original? The catalogue doesnt give that information.
The spokes are 14 gauge. From perusing the forums they shoud be 12 gauge?
The bike also has Silver Star Carrier tires. The front is 26 x 1-3/4 while the rear is 26 x 2 x1-3/4. The front looks significantly older than the rear. What would be the correct size and original tires found on this bike?
Im temporarily swapping out these wheels so i can ride the bike with a three speed rear and drum front. Knowing whats original to the bike will help determine if i keep the wheels as is or upgrade them to something modern.
In my opinion, if parts arent an original match then rideability is more important
26" black rims gold pin-stripped should be original, with heavy duty spokes and nipples
my '36 Delivery wheels are like that
I also have a NOS set of '30's delivery wheels still in the paper wrapping and they are black with gold pin-stripe
front hub should not be Falcon
Thanks for the info. Seen as the wheels arent original ill probably swap out the hubs for more modern stuff and make the bike rideable