Fixed wheel rear hub with skip tooth sprocket

 Lookinfg for a fixed rear wheel hub with inch pitch sprocket 8 9 or10 sprocket. Has to have a 4 1/2 inches spread for frame drop outs. This is for my 1900;s Brantford Red Bird raceing bike.  Decent nickel would be a bonus.

 Any help would be most appreciated.  ( Please PM me )



Hi Again Dave,

I think that I have several hubs like this, but I am missing the skip tooth sprockets. I have had these sprockets in the past, bur now I only have them on 2 1950's Prolite CCM track Flyers. CCM did make them.

If you are interested in a hub, if you could give me some idea of what you are looking for, I might have something. With a bit of searching on Ebay, you should be able to find a sprocket. They were made by several manufacturers. Ebay UK might have something as well.


John Williamson

 Hi John

Thanks for your reply. if you could send me Picture of the hubs that would be great . i know that in the 1918 bicycle accessories catalogue it does show   Comfort hub made by CCM  Just send picture to my email if you can. Most apreciated. best regards Dave

 PS Iwould like it to be 36 spoke count

those very wide rear hubs have been difficult to find

but only thing that will fit on those pre-99 bikes


Wanted hub found.