Hello-- my name is Kimberley-- looking for info on Fathers old CCM
It is a large Olive green Mans 3 spd CCM-- with leather seat and large springs under-- Would like to re-home to a collector...it is in mint condition-- been in the basement for over 50 years... where would I look to find value?-- thanks all
Sorry ... best I can do-- there is stuff piled in front of her at moment... sigh-- 83 years of collecting lol
hi Kimberley, could you e-mail me at s_zagz@yahoo.ca.
Thanks, and hope to hear from you.
It looks like an early 1950s Mens Balloon tire bike. When you get access to it, find the serial number to identify the year. With more photos I could give you an opinion on value. I'm also interested in buying it depending on where it is. I'm located in Toronto.