Last bike, second barn find.

This bike was also a barn find. The colour of it makes me think the owner must have worked for the city and had some leftover paint from painting lines on the roads. The sprocket is labelled CCM, so unless it is a replacement my guess is its a CCM bike. The crest is gone however. The seat is a 1950's vinyl and it is has a sheepskin seat cover of unknown vintage. The kickstand on it is not a style I've seen before and I am wondering if it is original to the bike as well.


Once more, here are the pictures of the bike that didn't attach to the original post.

img_1859.jpeg img_1861.jpeg img_1862.jpeg img_1863.jpeg

I'm hoping the serial number is also useful in dating a bike. The serial number for this bike is 48903, underneath the number is the letter C.


Based on the serial number, the subject bicycle was manufactured in 1951 and it's low enough that it should be a 1951 model. Looks to be a CCM Girl's Juvenile Roadster.

Thanks again T-Mar, I had thought this bike might also be from the 1930's as the rear hub is marked CCM and has a patent date of 1937. Could be it is an older rim that was added to the bike later or that there had been no updates to the hub design between 1937 and 1951. I looked at the 1951 catalogue in the catalogue forum, it shows the bike there.