Looking for a '37 Flyte?

There's a fellow willing to trade the above '37 Flyte for a vintage CCM with a Pixie motor. If you're interested let me know and I'll provide contact details.



Wow,  That's a beauty!  Unfortunately, I don't have a trade.  Would he sell?

I don't know, but I'll check.

yeah, i would be interested also in buying

sold my Pixie a few years back

Sorry fellows. Has to be a CCM with a Pixie.

what CCM does he want a Pixie on?

i ill try to rebuy my old Pixie

Now yer talkin Loco! 

John is that contact of the Flyte still interesteed in a Ccm with a Pixie?
Im not willing to trade mine pixie but know were there is amother available.If so could you email me his imfo .

Yes, he is still interested in trading.

Email sent.
