
My name is Curtis Wandler and I am from Saskatoon,Sask. I am an avid collector with several (approx. 50 incl. tricycles and scooters) of 1930-1980s bicycles,etc. I follow this site quite often and actually not sure why I have never registered before this. Possibly because of what has happened to friends on other sites when they restore something incorrectly or maybe don't know as much history and get made fun of. I have seen none of this on this site. I along with a partner set up the first ever vintage bicycle show in Saskatoon with a turn out of approx. 100 bikes from different parts of the province. Unfortunately it didn't happen this year because of construction on a new bridge along with the park we were using. Next year though will be bigger and better! I have several very old CCMs as well as all different models including a few old school BMX bikes and Banana seat bikes that I would love to post on here. I no longer work due to some severe medical issues but that doesn't stop me from rising and working on these old girls(and Boys). Thanks very much for your time and I hope to hear back from you soon.



Curtis Wandler