Third bike needing information, and some work!

This bike was a barn find so I know nothing about it. I know the seat isn't original as it didn't have the seat or seat post when I found it. From reading other forum items I know that Crown bikes were made in the 1930s. It has the same sprocket as the blue CCM bike I have. Looking at it I would say the pedals and handle bars were replaced at sometime. In one spot by the sprocket you can see the original paint, it is the same brown colour the blue CCM had been and it shows some gold pin striping.


Here are the pictures for the bike.

img_1874.jpeg img_1875.jpeg img_1876.jpeg

Eatons sold CCM Crown bikes on the 1930's. Your bike looks to be from 1935 or later.

Thanks for the information. I learned today that bikes have serial numbers, the one for this bike is Z24797.  
Reading other posts in this forum iI found that Crown bikes were made from CCM parts that were old stock at the time. I noticed this bike has the same sprocket as the blue CCM bike I have, which I believe is an earlier bike. There was also an old catalogue advertising Crown bikes, the ones shown in it had no chain guard. I am wondering if Crown bikes never had chain guards?

Based on the serial number the subject bicycle was manufactured during 1936 and the number is low enough that it's likely a 1936 model. Crown was a budget brand manufactured by CCM, designed for a lower price point. During this era the Crown models were typically about 25% less expensive than the CCM branded model.  The most noticeable difference is the crankset. The premium CCM brand used the cotterless, Triplex crankset while the Crown used a cheaper cottered crankset. Other cost concessions included lower grade pedals, hubs and saddle. It was rare for any men's bicycles to have factory installed chainguards during the inter-war period. 

Thanks again T-Mar for providing more information, on another bike, you really have a wealth of knowledge on all things bicycle! Thanks also to jdwillia, also a knowledgeable person on old bikes.