wondering what my ccm track bike is worth

Hi all

Just wondering about this bike

serial # 59C969

seems mostly original, not sure about the pedals

Let me know



This is nPt a Flyer Professional Racer. It is a Road Flyer that came out in 1936. It was priced at 20 to $25 less than the Flyer Professional Racer and is a lot more common. It probably has 27 (28) X 1 1/4 tires on it.

One problem with this bike is that it has a bent frame. The forks are supposed to be paralell to the seat tube. It has probably run into something in the past, causing the forks to bend.

I would say that, at most, it is worth $350.

Hi Scot
I think the bicycle came out in 1936, but that your serial number indicates slightly newer than that.
It's good to see you on the site.
I, myself haven't posted for a long time, but check out posting regularly.

Hi Scott. Do the hubs have CCM FLYER stamped in the metal? If not, are there any markings?

The fork and frame are not bent. Steep head angle and the positioning of the picture.

Bike is boxed up for sale already. The hubs had serial numbers and CCM from what I can remember


anyone know someone interested in a 1983 Bianchi Specialissma 56cm c-c complete bike


C = 1939

nice bike, head tube angle does look different, but doen't seem to have any tube deflection.

would be necessary to unbox it and get more info on the parts ie:hubs, rims, stem, bars, in order to be able to properly value it!

why would you box it before being sold?