Have a vintage CCM item or part for sale. Post it here.

Complete saddle in decent shape. Great for a didplay bike. I think these were offered in the CCM catalogs of yore. $40 plus shipping.
i have a seat post that is 1 1/16 inch but the top piece is 7/8 inch it looks like the number 7 some prolite racers took a larger seat post i think but not a number 7 style what was this on. if you have a use for this trade me for something nos your choice william rudolph nova scotia .
I won this bike on an CKWX radio Orange Crush Safety contest in Vancouver in 1947. It’s rusty and has been repainted but the basic frame etc is still good. A collector can have it for the price of shipping it from Miami. Under the paint are 3 Vancouver bike license stickers that might be salvageable! I still have the booklet and tool that came with it.
Contact Alice
I have a 37 CCM rear hub in "repackable" condition (internals look quite good) and 1937 (probably) pedals in functional conditions to give away. Those parts will go to the bin if nobody wants them.
Two, nice Gibson's pedals for sale. One shaft is ever, so slightly bent. I can barely make out the wobble. $100
Original except the tires.
please make an offer

Vintage CCM GP 1968, All Chrome, Ser# K781###, 10 speed - Auvit, Norco seat, 1 rim Rigida - Chrolux - 27" X 1/4" CHT4 72 - Made in France, 1 rim Made in Japan, 1 owner. (mostly all original). Should I sell this as a vintage? Can somebody heelp me at pricing this? Are you interested? I have it in the garage and I would like to sell it. I am in Gatineau Québec, neer Ottawa, Ont. Thank you!