CCM Cobra

So, I haven'tbeen on here in a while, and some of you may recall me restoring a "ccm cobra". Turns out it was a supercycle cougar x-500 which I wound up trading for something else. However, recently I got an e-mail from someone who was selling an actual CCM Cobra, and I picked it up! Needs a chainguard, tall sissy and correct front wheel and tire ( I already have the correct shifter knob.)


oh yeah it's also a 1969

Yup, all Cobras should be defined as 1969 and have a serial number starting with an "A".

A Cobra is always a sweet find. I think I've only heard of about 10 of them.

Let me know if you want to sell. wink


Thanks! Did not know they were that rare!surprise

The story goes, the PO bought this for his son second hand in the 80s, who customized it into what you see in the pictures. he didn't ride it much, and the PO stored it inside his house 25 years ago, after which I bought it. Almost ended up with two of these; there is one in Calgary somewhere, but it was already sold by the time I had the  money.


also ccmusclebike, in case you are wondering, the cougar i traded was the one on kijiji with the cobra bars and dunlop slick. Just thought I'd tell yasmiley