Ctrl/Cmd+V  I picked up this survivor with a ladies SCP bicycle I bought.  It has 28''wheels, no headbadge, it has a ccm model T crankset, ccm fenders and wheelsets; all parts would indicate it is a pre 1921 CCM built, with the exception of the seat stays.  These stays have a pronounced angle approx 5"' down from the tubes, making a right angle shoulder whereas CCMs have a rounded shoulder.  I've never seen this type of stay on a CCM, although they are common on US bikes.  Also interesting is the fact that there no exterior lugs at any of the joints, which are fillet brazed.  Does anyone have any pix that would assist in identifying this frame.  Thanks in advance,  Wayne   



I must confess to being somewhat perplexed by the lack of knowledge (or the lack of response by those who have the knowledge) regarding CCM bikes. On other sites when folks ask a question about parts (as Nicole did a while ago about tires) or about identity (as Wayne has here), others are all over it. Here not so much so. Not sure why that is. Thoughts?

I have never seen one like that myself and thus have no knowledge on it which is why I never gave my 2 cents before. I only recently aquired my first 20's CCM which is also 28" but looks nothing like yours. Maybe it is from the teens. I dont think CCM had their own hubs in the 20's. Mine has a Perry coaster brake and a Union front hub. What brand are the hubs on yours? I know I'm not much help on this but thats all I got.



Those seat stays look similar to the ones on my Eaton`s Glider.  They were Raleigh built. I wonder if it`s a Raleigh frame with CCM parts added?

The rear hub is New Hercules, early CCM made.  Its not a Raleigh frame. 

Check out the 1918 CCM catalog... it may help you narrow it down...

Thanks Bill, already did