Vintage Canadian bicycles

Use this forum to discuss all things related to non-CCM Canadian bicycles, including Sunshine, Werlich etc.

2013 Toronto Vintage Bicycle Show

Tentatively scheduled for July 28, 2013

The anticipation begins.....

Pre-War? Eatons Glider


I have a bicycle that is badged as Centrix.The bicycle has all the CCM components including CCM triplex crank and sprocket,28inch drop center rims and ccm hubs .It is a single camel back X bar with no serial #so far can't find it.But it was a garden bike and is painted with lots of  green,the bike OG colour is red  .So Is the Centrix a house brand of CCM or did Centrix use CCM components on there models?
Ill post a picture Thanks GT

Jamie's Collection


This is a great collection for reference. Thanks.

Now I believe all of the top row are prewar.

Also I know during the war CCM used a decal, I am not sure when they started with the decal (I don't think it was the start of the war).

I believe post war they used badge 'N' ,as I have labelled , in 1947 until 1949.

I think in 1950 they began to use badge 'O'. All you experts please help. The rest I am not sure of.





Canadian Bicycle Badges


Here is a sample of Canadian Bicycle Badges I have collected over the years; hopefully these will help to recognise the changes over the years and even to discover some new ones previously unknown.  I am always trying to increase my collection; especially Canadian.  Enjoy and let's see some others that are out there.

Best regards



I have just found this forum and it is of personal interest to me as my Dad(Ed Hughes)worked for 30 years for SCP. He started out around 1932 at $0.25 and gradually worked his way to foreman. my Dad was a motorcycle rider and racer. He went with the company because they had plans to make motorcycles.I remember my Dad taking me to the plant in the late 50s in the summer when I was off school. The plant in those days was located at 600 Victoria Park Ave but I believe the first plant was around Carlaw and Dundas.

Troxel Seats

Old-bikes is correct Troxel seats where available in the thirties on different CCM models .Here is a Troxel seat that came original on a 1936 CCM Flyte.

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