Old Ladies Loop frame

Hello everyone !

I have just started restoring my loop frame bike last night. I am trying to determine the age. My seat tube is stamped with an odd serial number 8V0028.  I say odd because the first 0 looks like its overstamped with a 1. My rear hub has the CCM patent for 1937, and it's serial number is 476831.

Everything looks to be pretty much original, with the rims and frame still having the pinstriping. I will try to add some pics. Not having much luck with that though.


Just looking through the archives, I came across an article of a 1946 Loop frame being restored. My bike is virtually identical, even the color.


Check this thread, which discusses the use of the letter V in a serial #. New guy in Victoria

It would appear your bike is in that late 40s period.  The accepted serial # list, while an invaluable resource, is probably not complete

