Wanted to Buy

Looking for a Vintage CCM item or part. Post your request here.

CCM hub oilers wanted

Wanted.   Three hub oilers for a 1930's Flyte model.  Threaded, with a flip top lid and internal spring

See picture. Thanks. Gavin



Handlebar stem wanted

I am looking for a handle bar stem for my 1947 CCM. Anyone around Edmonton help me out?  

Looking for a single piece crank for a 1947 men's CCM

Contact Peter at pssmith383@yahoo.ca      

1/4 inch block chain

does anyone have any  new old stock 1/4 inch block chain pieces 1 long section 1 short section and one joiner with screws i have a idea to have some made  and i need a sample to do this so used pieces will not do. thanks william rudolph

spoke nipples for wood rims

where can a person buy new  14 and 15 gauge spoke nipples for wooden rims thanks in advance.  william rudolph

Brake Parts

I'm looking for the front brakes for a 1971 CCM Galaxie. I'm restoring this bicycle as close as I can. I found this bike at a yard sale out in the country. It's 90% original. It just needs the tires and front brake. I have the tires on order but can't find the original front brake or handle bar brake handle. Could you help me out?

Looking for tires


I'm trying to locate two Michelin "furgoncino rinforzato" tires for my CCM restoration.  If anyone has any leads, please let me know.


Looking for a CCM Flyer


Must be in decent  condition.  Please let me know where you are and what are the specs and the condition. Write directly to:  lorne-shields@rogers.com

Best to one and all.

Lorne Shields … 905-886-6911   lorne-shields@rogers.com



WTB Rowing Machine

Received the following note regarding the above machine:

W.T.Buy Pair,28" Fenders

I had a deal worked out,unfortunately,it didnt work out................

Needed,pair fenders for a sunshine with 28" wheels....will settle for any wide rounded 28" fenders...............

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