Vintage CCM Bicycles

Use this forum to discuss all things related to vintage CCM bicycles including Rambler, Flyte, Mustang etc.


Hello all! So i ws driving today doing some errands when i came across a used bike shop. Whatcaught my eye were the 2 ccm right out front one a 1935 mens roadster all oringinal except no badge and different back fender. The other was a 1941 roadster all pieced together with different parts, but cheap. Guy wants a;ittle to much for the 35 then i thinks its worth. I went inside and found this old wooden rim race bike, very lightweight frame but super thick tubing, head badge is a W made out of copper. The front hub says ccm, and is 1/4.


The Canada Science and Technology Museum in Ottawa is looking for a high resolution copy of a Cheetah bicycle 
advertisement for a web project they are preparing.

Can you help them out? if so, let me know and I'll provide you the contact info.


CCM unknown model and the year

Hello to all...

This morning I bought a CCM for $5. unfortunately, the bike has been repainting by a stupid jobber, no badge at all . So, I scratched with a knife on a side of the seat post and the number serial says " 3H1957.. so i'm wondering what is the year of this bike and probably the model.. unfortunately i have no picture to show :( no camera sorry ....Of course, i would like to know the year if it's possible ;) thanks you guys.

Restoring a tandem

Kelly sent a message using the contact form at


I was wondering if you could help me. I am looking to try to get the the decals for a vintage two seater CCM bike. My Grandfather rebuilt years ago and he has now passed away. I am attempting to rebuild from a rusted mess, I know it was orginally a CCM from a painted over decal that I could read.

While Not Very Old, It's a C.C.M. and Kind Of Interesting.

So this in town today and watch buddy get on and drive away with not a care in the world!............and it's a hot day !!!

1947 ccm

Got the Flyte serviced and riding it!

Well Its not completely done the way I'd like but good enough for now. I'll find some mparts I'm missing but basically this is how she's gonna sit for a while...

Rides very well and get tons of inquiries looks and interest when I ride it...

A Couple of Well Used Delivery Bikes

These are a couple of mine, one was used by my uncle for years, he was 85 when he stopped using it!

1970's Dealer Posters

I found these nailed to the wall of one of our old buildings, obiviously by my Dad. Rough shape, but interesting none the less!

larrys bicycle shop

here is alittle bite of bikes i have in my bicycle shop i like the ccm doulble bar 28 in.

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