Use this forum to discuss all things related to vintage CCM bicycles including Rambler, Flyte, Mustang etc.
Folks often use the Contact option on the website to inquire about the age, value etc. of their bikes. Sometimes I can help: often I cannot. When that happens I usually post it to see what others think. Below are two recent pieces of correspondence:
Letter # 1
Hey guys I have this old 2 wheel rat rod and I am wondering what year it might be.
I recently picked up an old CCM bike at a G-sale and am looking to find its approximate date of manufacture. It is a 5-speed bike and looks like it is all original. Serial number is D357379
I recently found two vintage CCM 24 inch bikes, one badged CCM the other was a National. Both not in too bad shape, I wondered
what the problem was until I tried buying tires. 24 by 1 and three eighths is impossible to find here. The one bike shop directed me to a health and medical supply only option was gray wheelchair tires at 35 bucks a piece. Are these size tires really that hard to find?
Any body help me with getting a reasonable condition badge for my 47' CCM. Thx gals and guys.
I am writing from Australia. Canadian & US bicycles were very popular here over a 100 years ago. I own a c.1905 CCM Redbird and c.1906 Massey Marris. They are rare but accessable if you look around long enough.
I came across this Australian newspaper article from 1899. Canadians may find it interesting as to the quantity and size of the bicycle industry back then and the export market for its bicycles. Micro economics was alive and well in 1899!
See attached. I think.
My grandmother very recently gave me her old ivntage CCM. She can't remember the name of the model, so I was hoping someone around here would recognize it! It's from about the early 50's, and it's a 3 speed. Here's a picture! If there are any tips that you can give me in regards to its restoration, that would also be incredible. Thanks so much in advance for any info :)
In early 1938, two American coaster brake manufacturers introduced 2 speed epicyclic coaster hubs for the first time in many decades. these were the New Departure model DD and the Musselman 2 speed. Postwar, Bendix introduced their version, the MultiSpeed Power Brake. All were shifted by either a large hand lever (early Musselman - see photo of a Sears Elgin twin-bar) or a crossbar cable trigger.